This year Ellipsum Waterpark has opened its gates for the first time. Eleven Ltd. installed water play equipment, water slides, and slide electronics at this location. The new aquapark grabbed the attention of the editors of Euro Professional.

„For the new water park, Eleven Ltd. developed 18 family-friendly water attractions and spray elements.”

You can find their article on the project on this link.

Ellipsum project in the Euro Professional magazine

Publication about the Ellipsum project in the Euro Professional magazine

Ellipsum Waterpark has opened its gates for the first time. Eleven Ltd. installed water play equipment, water slides, and slide electronics at this location.
Superbrands 2021 cover

We have earned our fourth Business Superbrands award!

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ISO certification

MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 certification

A new regulation in Hungary affects our work as designers and implementers of water attractions, so we have earned our MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 certification.
Eleven Ltd. CEO yearly summar

A yearly summary from our Chief Executive Officer

Our CEO, Gyula Szűcs summarises the year 2020.