
Learn more about new water attractions, managements tips and major events at our team.

Superbrands 2021 cover

We have earned our fourth Business Superbrands award!

We are among the top B2B brands in our home country for the fourth time.
ISO certification

MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 certification

A new regulation in Hungary affects our work as designers and implementers of water attractions, so we have earned our MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 certification.
Eleven Ltd. CEO yearly summar

A yearly summary from our Chief Executive Officer

Our CEO, Gyula Szűcs summarises the year 2020.
Eleven Ltd. Magyarbrands

Continuous success in a challenging year

Eleven Ltd. has won its fifth MagyarBrands (Hungarian Brands) award in the Excellent Business Brand category.
Likeable Workplaces award 2019

Eleven Ltd. to win the Likeable Workplaces award

On the list of the 125 awarded companies, we take place among IKEA, Lidl, and Bosch.
MagyarBrands award 2019

Two great achievements for the end of the year

Eleven Ltd. won for the fourth time in the category of Excellent Business Brands, while SplashWare received the Innovative Brand Award.
IAAPA Expo Europe invitation

Destination: Porte de Versailles, Paris

We would like to invite our partners to IAAPA Expo Europe in Paris.
SuperBrands award

Our second hat-trick

We won three Business SuperBrands awards after winning three MagyarBrands awards.

The result of an eventful year